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衬四氟管道厂家 钢衬四氟管道梓哲厂家
衬四氟管道厂家 钢衬四氟管道梓哲厂家 价格:56  元(人民币) 产地:河南
最少起订量:1 发货地:河南
上架时间:2021-08-23 15:16:12 浏览量:203
经营模式:生产加工 公司类型:其他有限责任公司
所属行业:塑料管 主要客户:不限
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联系人:段亚刚 (先生) 手机:15194589676
电话: 传真:
邮箱:296200407@qq.com 地址:洛阳市宜阳县香鹿山镇牌窑村工业园区






衬胶管道(Rubber Lined Pipes)是一种外部以钢或者硬质结构为管道骨架的管道,以耐磨、防腐以及耐高温的橡胶作为衬里层,通过橡胶自身物理和化学性能从而降低了管路输送介质对外部结构的作用如冲击力、腐蚀等,其由于橡胶的缓冲作用,大大延长了管路的使用寿命,降低了使用者的成本

Rubber lined pipes is a kind of pipe with steel or hard structure as the pipe skeleton and wear-resistant, anti-corrosion and high temperature resistant rubber as the lining layer. Through the physical and chemical properties of the rubber, the effect of pipeline transmission medium on the external structure, such as impact force and corrosion, is reduced. Due to the buffer effect of rubber, The service life of the pipeline is greatly prolonged and the cost of users is reduced.

洛阳梓哲管材有一支技术部门,可对钢衬四氟管道 钢衬PE管道 衬塑管道 钢衬PO管道 衬胶管道等化工管尾矿管以及石油类、食药类用管的图纸,草图,样图,自画图进行解析,分析出需要的管材管件规格尺寸等。我公司有着丰厚的制作经验以及一对一的服务,我们也可委派工程进入现场进行图纸绘画和测量。

Luoyang Zizhe pipe has a technical department, which can analyze the drawings, sketches, samples and self drawn drawings of chemical pipes such as steel lined Teflon pipes, steel lined PE pipes, plastic lined pipes, steel lined Po pipes and rubber lined pipes, tailings pipes and pipes for petroleum and food and medicine, and analyze the required pipe specifications and dimensions. Our company has rich production experience and one-to-one service. We can also appoint projects to enter the site for drawing and measurement.

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