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风力发电基础钢模板脱模时注意事项 价格:100  元(人民币) 产地:河北保定市
最少起订量:1 发货地:河北保定市
上架时间:2021-12-29 13:38:17 浏览量:88
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Wind power foundation template: the wind power foundation base template is assembled from the base template with a diameter ranging from 18 meters to 22 meters. The wind power foundation template is divided into upper and lower templates. The size of the upper template is generally 6 to 9 meters, and the height of the template is different. The size of the wind power foundation template is relatively large, so it is assembled into many templates, It is connected by screws one by one. Finally, when it is assembled and reinforced by external steel wire rope, the construction and pouring can be started. The wind power generation foundation formwork.

When demoulding the steel formwork of wind power foundation, the first thing to be removed is these specific facilities. Specific facilities are mainly tie rods. First pull out the pull rod, and then remove large parts such as screws. However, when removing the formwork, because the size of the formwork is very small, I can use a forklift to remove the formwork. After demoulding, the slag retaining wall formwork product is obtained. However, at the beginning of demoulding, the concrete product is only in the initial setting state, so we must carry out maintenance for a period of time. The curing time shall not be less than 7 days, otherwise the concrete products are not easy to crack. On the eve of maintenance, watering maintenance is usually carried out. No matter what season and weather, on the eve of maintenance, the cast-in-situ wind power foundation mold and concrete fan base steel formwork shall always be guaranteed; Cast in situ wind power foundation mould, concrete fan base steel formwork; When the weather is hot, in order to ensure the humidity, the watering times should be increased to ensure the product quality and make it lighter in specific use.

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