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20-750-2262C-2R 价格:  元(人民币) 产地:本地
最少起订量:1 发货地:本地至全国
上架时间:2022-06-21 09:55:37 浏览量:305
经营模式:经销商 公司类型:私营独资企业
所属行业:PLC控制系统 主要客户:全国
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3.General electric(通用电气)系列产品》



6.销售ABB Robots. FANUC Robots、YASKAWA Robots、KUKA Robots、Mitsubishi Robots、OTC Robots、Panasonic、Robots、MOTOMAN Robots。

7.estinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、MAX1000系统备件。

8.Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的zui现代化的容错控制器。

9.Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。

10.Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。

◆Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。采购美国、德国、法国、意大利等欧盟工控产品、备品备件

very large, and the products with obvious price advantages (mainly refer to centrifugal blowers and general-purpose centrifugal and axial compressors), and high-tech industries and newly developed high-tech products (mainly refers to centrifugal compressors for ethylene plants with a capacity of more than 600000 tons, natural gas pipeline transmission compressors, high-pressure oil field gas injection compressors and compressors for large air separation units) , it is not competitive. In the former case, the impact will be small after the market is opened. However, the enterprises producing such products should have a sense of urgency, focus on improving the development and innovation ability, improve the technical content and grade of products, and narrow the gap with foreign countries. In the latter case, it will be greatly impacted after the market is opened. ② generally used Small and medium-sized ventilators in transit are the vast majority of products in the fan industry, belonging to large quantities and a wide range of products. It is equivalent to the situation mentioned above that the products have low cost and price advantage. After China's accession to the WTO, it will be conducive to expanding exports, and the opening of the domestic market basically does not pose a threat. For example, the world's more famous Fan enterprises are mainly German TLT company Among them, Shanghai Blower Factory Co Ltd. has introduced German TLT technology, Shenyang Blower Factory has introduced Danish novenko technology, Chengdu electric machinery factory and Shenyang Blower Factory have introduced German k.k.k technology, and British Haodeng company has established a wholly-owned enterprise in China Enterprises have already participated in the domestic fan market competition. From the price comparison of such products, taking the prices of Japanese manufacturers as an example, the prices of Japanese manufacturers' fans are now twice that of domestic fans. After China's accession to the WTO, the tariffs have been reduced, but their prices are still 50% ~ 60% higher than those of domestic products. This shows that such products will not be competitive after China's accession to the WTO It

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1、For switching quantity control

??The ability of PLC to control the switching quantity is very strong. The number of points controlled in and out, less than a dozen points, dozens of points, more can be hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of points, because it can be networked, the number of points is almost unlimited, no matter how many points can be controlled, the logic of the control can be a variety of issues: combination, timing, instant, delay, no counting, the need to count, fixed order, random work, etc., can be carried out.

??The hardware structure of the PLC is variable and the software program is programmable, which is very flexible when used for control. Multiple sets or groups of programs can be written when necessary and called as needed. It is very adaptable to the industrial site multiple conditions, multiple state transformation needs.

??PLC for switching control is a lot of examples, metallurgy, machinery, light industry, chemical industry, textile, etc., almost all industrial industries need to use it. At present, the goal of the first PLC, but also other controllers can not be compared with it, is that it can be easily and reliably used for switching control. 2, for analog control

??Analog quantities, such as current, voltage, temperature, pressure, etc., its size is continuously changing. Industrial production, especially the continuous production process, often to control these physical quantities.

??As an industrial control electronics, PLC can not control these quantities, it is a major deficiency, for which the PLC manufacturers are in this area for a lot of development. At present, not only large, medium-sized machine can be analog control, is a small machine, can also be such control. PLC for analog control, to be configured with analog and digital conversion of the A / D, D / A unit. It is also the I/O unit, but it is a special I/O unit.

??A/D unit is the analog quantity of the external circuit, converted into digital quantity, and then sent to the PLC; D/A unit, is the digital quantity of the PLC into analog quantity, and then sent to the external circuit. As a special I/O unit, it still has the characteristics of I/O circuit anti-interference, internal and external circuit isolation, and input and output relays (or internal relays, which is also a zone of PLC working memory, can read and write) to exchange information and so on.

??Here the A in the A/D, mostly current, or voltage, but also temperature. the A in the D / A, mostly voltage, or current. Voltage, current change range is mostly 0 ~ 5V, 0 ~ 10V, 4 ~ 20mA, some can also handle positive and negative values. Here the D, small machines are mostly 8-bit binary numbers, medium and large are mostly 12-bit binary numbers. a / d, d / a single, there are also multiple. Multiplex accounts for more input and output relays. With A/D, D / A unit, the rest of the processing are digital, which is not difficult for PLC with information processing capabilities. Medium and large PLC processing power is stronger, not only can be digital addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, but also open square, interpolation, but also floating point operations, some have PID instructions, can be the deviation of the system amount of proportional, differential, integral operations, and then produce the corresponding output, the computer can calculate almost all of it can calculate.

??In this way, the use of PLC to achieve analog control is entirely possible.

??PLC for analog control, and A/D, D / A combination of units together, and the use of PID or fuzzy control algorithms to achieve control, you can get a very high quality of control. The advantage of using PLC for analog control is that in the analog control at the same time, the switch can also be controlled. This advantage is that other controllers do not have, or control is not as convenient as the implementation of PLC. Of course, if the system is purely analog, the use of PLC may be in the performance to price ratio is not as good as the use of regulators.

??3, for motion control

??The actual physical quantities, in addition to switching, analog, and motion control. Such as the displacement of machine parts, often expressed in digital quantities. Motion control, an effective approach is NC, that is, digital control technology. This is a computer-based control technology born in the United States in the 1950s. Today has been very popular, and also very well. At present, advanced metal cutting machine tools, the rate of NC has been more than 40% to 80%, and some even higher. PLC is also based on computer technology, and increasingly perfect. PLC can receive counting pulses, the frequency can be as high as a few k to tens of k Hz, available in a variety of ways to receive the pulse, but also multiplexed reception. Some PLC and pulse output function, pulse frequency can also reach tens of k, with these two functions, coupled with the PLC has data processing and computing capabilities, if equipped with the corresponding sensors (such as rotary encoders) or pulse servo device, it can be fully in accordance with the principle of NC to achieve a variety of control. High-grade, mid-range PLC, but also developed NC unit, or motion unit, can achieve point control. Motion units can also achieve curve interpolation, curve control movement

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




07BR61R1 GJV3074376R1
PFTL101B 2.0KN
07BR61R1 GJV3074376R1
PFTL101B 2.0KN
07BR61R1 GJV3074376R1
PFTL101B 2.0KN
07BR61R1 GJV3074376R1
PFTL101B 2.0KN
07BR61R1 GJV3074376R1
PFTL101B 2.0KN
07BR61R1 GJV3074376R1
PFTL101B 2.0KN




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