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江西半导体透明真空包装袋 防静电尼龙复合袋
江西半导体透明真空包装袋 防静电尼龙复合袋 价格:0.65  元(人民币) 产地:四川成都市
最少起订量:1 发货地:四川成都市
上架时间:2020-10-23 16:36:34 浏览量:921
经营模式:生产加工 公司类型:个体工商户
所属行业:复合包装制品 主要客户:IT电子,半导体,包装类,电器,通讯,五金,邮政快递行业
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联系人:卓茜 (小姐) 手机:18981990276
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邮箱:xcexa@xcgs.com 地址:海峡两岸科技产业开发园锦绣大道南段58号




  l 亦称真空袋,该产品具有良好的阻隔性、透(氧)气率低、抽真空效果佳、透明度高、抗拉强度与耐穿刺强度高、不易老化耐高温蒸煮等特点。物品经真空包装后,可以起到很好的防污、防尘、防菌、防潮,延长保质期等作用;
  l 该材料外观透明、内置物清晰可见,方便条码器识别。一般材料结构为:NY/CPE或NY/CPP、
  l 该产品适用于各种线路板、电子产品、精密机械配件、消费品、工业制品等防氧化包装。例如:PC板、IC集成电路、电子元器件、精密五金、汽配、军工等工业包装。
  Nylon Vacuum Bag
  Function Introduction:
  l Also called as vacuum bag, this kind of bag characterizes in good barrier, heat sealing, low (oxygen) air permeability, good vacuumizing effect, high transparency, good moisture protection, high tensile strength and perforation resistance, good tightness, ageing resistance, etc. It is helpful to prevent product from dirt, dust, microbial and moisture and extend the product’s quality guarantee period after the product is vacuumized.
  Material and Structure:
  l This kind of bag has a transparent appearance, making objects inside it visible and providing convenience in identifying with a barcode reader. Its material is NY/CPE or NY/CPP generally.
  Applicable Scope:
  l This kind of bag applies to the packaging of products with anti-oxidation requirement such as all kinds of circuit boards, electronic products, precision machinery components, consumables, industrial products, etc. For example, industrial packages of PC boards, IC integrated circuits, electronic parts and components, precision hardware, auto parts, military products, etc.
  According to Customers’ Requirements:
  l Making the surface resistance up to 105Ω to 1011Ω with different processes or formulas;
  l Making products free of some chemical substances such as amide, silicon oil, chloride ion, dust particle(reachs to thousand leavl standard),etc. with different process or formula, so as to make them meet more demands of customers;
  l Diversified types: envelop bags, ziplock bags (reclosable bags / zipper bags), organ bags, three-dimensional square bags, irregular shape bags , etc.;
l Custom-made: available to manufacture bags with different specifications, thicknesses and styles and print texts, patterns and trademarks on bags on the basis of no infringement upon others’ intellectual property rights.

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