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当前位置: 首页 >> 全部产品 >> 非金属材料 >> 树脂 >> MC901尼龙棒
MC901尼龙棒 价格:52  元(人民币) 产地:无锡
最少起订量:1 发货地:无锡
上架时间:2024-02-14 16:00:35 浏览量:116
经营模式:生产加工 公司类型:私营独资企业
所属行业:树脂 主要客户:全国
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联系人:王永平 (先生) 手机:13806176199
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邮箱:wypjg@sina.com.cn 地址:江苏省无锡市新区鸿山街道


MC尼龙棒 强度高、自润滑 抗蠕变、耐磨 耐热老 Wuxi seiko nylon rod factory  Wuxi seiko nylon rod factory product introduction, POM rods, nylon rods, PPH, PPR, PVC rods, nylon rods, green UPE, UHMWPE, polymer, MC nylon rods, nylon rods, 1010 PA66 rods, nylon 6MC尼龙棒 强度高、自润滑 抗蠕变、耐磨 耐热老

MC尼龙棒是尼龙棒 -通俗名浇铸尼龙棒又称MC 尼龙:英文名称Monomer casting nylon  浇铸尼龙棒生产商(无锡精工尼龙棒厂) 品牌-精工  浇铸尼龙棒图片说明  生产商提供检测报告-----想更多了解MC尼龙棒



其综合性能好,强度,刚度和硬度高,抗蠕变、耐磨,耐热老化,机加工性能好等。综合性能,包括机械强度、刚度、韧性、机械减振性和耐磨性。这些特性,再加上良好的电绝缘能力和耐化学性,使 PA6 尼龙成为一种“通用级”材料,用于机械结构零件和可维护零件的制造。PA66(本色,奶油色):与PA6相比,其机械强度、刚度、耐热和耐磨性、抗蠕变性能更好,但冲击强度和机械减振性能下降,非常适于自动车床机械加工
MC nylon rods is nylon rod strength, resistance to wear the best nylon rod - popular name cast nylon rods is also called the MC nylon: English name Monomer casting nylon casting nylon rods manufacturers (wuxi seiko nylon rod factory) cast nylon rods caption

MC nylon rods use: is widely used in chemical machinery, anti-corrosion equipment gear making bad material and parts. Wear parts, transmission parts, household electrical appliances spare parts, automotive parts, wire rod to prevent the mechanical parts, chemical machinery parts, chemical equipment, etc

Chinese said monomer casting nylon.

"Plastic instead of steel, performance is remarkable, is widely USES. It has light weight, high strength, self-lubricating,

Wear-resisting, anti-corrosion, insulation and other unique properties. Is a widely used engineering plastics, almost throughout all of the led industry

The domain.

On the market at present commonly used cast nylon rods mainly has the following kinds:

1 MC nylon (ivory white) : the properties of the unmodified cast nylon 6 and nylon

66 is very close to, its comprehensive performance is good, strength, stiffness and hardness, creep resistance, wear resistance, heat-resistant ageing, good machining performance, etc.

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