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当前位置: 首页 >> 全部产品 >> 通用零配件 >> 液压元件 >> 香港2U抽拉式192芯高密度光纤配线架慈普华硕MPO转LC单模多模
香港2U抽拉式192芯高密度光纤配线架慈普华硕MPO转LC单模多模 价格:185  元(人民币) 产地:宁波
最少起订量:1 发货地:浙江宁波市
上架时间:2024-03-18 08:41:04 浏览量:50
经营模式:生产加工 公司类型:私营独资企业
所属行业:液压元件 主要客户:通信网络
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联系人:姜泽 (先生) 手机:15158397282
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邮箱: 地址:慈溪市掌起镇巴里村


■ Products Description

CP / MPO is a MPO /MTP® pre-terminated ultra-high-density junction box, 19 inches, 3U height up to 288 cores, can be used in data centers, computer rooms, computer centers and other high-density wiring locations (front and rear). The dual use of the upper cover, pull-out guide rails, ABS lightweight modular packaging box, etc., make LS/MPO easy to use in high-density scenarios, whether it is a cable or a cable. The chassis is equipped with 12PCS 24F MPO /MTP® module boxes, each module box can install 12 DLC adapters to achieve 24 cores. Each module box has a separate buckle, which can be easily installed without restriction.

■ Keyed Characteristics

  1. Ultra-high density wiring application scenario;
  2. Standard 19-inch width;
  3. Ultra high density reaches 3U 288cores;
  4. Double rail design for easy installation and maintenance;
  5. Lightweight ABS material MPO/MTP module box;
  6. Spray surface treatment process;
  7. Customized color and silk screen LOGO.

 ■ Technical Details

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