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Heavy cutting dynamic column
Heavy cutting dynamic column 价格:1.00  元(人民币) 产地:dalian
最少起订量:1 发货地:dalian
上架时间:2024-05-13 11:24:34 浏览量:40
经营模式:贸易公司 公司类型:其他有限责任公司
所属行业:数控机床 主要客户:阀门行业 汽车零配件 模具加工 机械制造
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联系人:任女士 (小姐) 手机:17824875377
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邮箱:dlzzsk@163.com 地址:辽宁省大连市庄河市鞍子山乡丰利大街234号(新疆办事处地址:乌鲁木齐中亚市场)


The VKC   heavy  cutting dynamic column planer table type strip machining center is  a high-end CNC product of our company.The unique

and durable rigid main structure of this machine tool meets the engineering requirements of doublling rigidity and simplifying quality.It is

not only suitable for the processing of plates,shafts,and precision parts,but also for mold processing . It can continuously coplete milling,drilling,expansion,hinge,boring,tapping,and precise machining of two-dimensional and three-dimensional surfaces and slopes in 

one claming process.It has high automation,strong reliabilty,simple and convenient operation,beautiful overall shape,high degree of electromechanical integration,and shortens the production cycle,thereby enabling users to obtion good economic benefits. 

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